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Hey you guys it's Kristina! Guess what?! Today, I am announcing my next, NEW challenge: The FullyRaw 12-Day-Summer Bikini Body Challenge! Starting on June the 1st and going until June 14th,  I will be releasing 14 videos in 14 days to help ALL of us kick off the Summer eating healthy, getting fit, and feeling confident! 


For me, this challenge isn't about having the perfect body, but it's about gaining enough confidence in my body to become my highest, strongest self possible!  Everyone wants to look and feel their best in the Summer because this is when we have the opportunity to show our skin to the sun! I want to be here to inspire you to gain that self-confidence so that you can really shine! It's not about what you look like, but it's about how you feel! When you FEEL really amazing, it shows on the outside! So our goal will be to get healthy on ALL levels so that others can SEE this change in you and see you shine! 


This 14-day Challenge is Going to Include: 

- Meal plans

- Recipes

- Fitness videos

- Bikini body ready tips

- Weight loss tricks

- And more! 


The amount of information that I am going to be sharing with you on this challenge will be abundant! As a special thank you to everyone who likes and comments on EACH video (all 14-videos) and as a thank you for doing this challenge with me, you will get a you will get a free e-book in the end of the challenge with a 14 day meal plan, exercise routine, and summary of ALL of the information in the challenge...FOR FREE! I even plan to do a few giveaways on my facebook and instagram feeds for free juicers, blenders, and even cool vegan DVD's. PLEASE SUBSCRIBE TO MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL AND SIGN UP HERE FOR THE FREE CHALLENGE. 


NOT ONLY THAT, but for those who do this challenge, I will ask everyone in the end to submit their testimonials, and I will be choosing 1 person's transformational testimonial to feature them in a future video!


You will walk away from this challenge with a a new found self-confidence and hopefully a step in the right direction towards the body of your dreams! We all want to look and feel our best in Summer, so this is your chance. We are going to use the these 14 days to build a healthy lifestyle and healthy eating habits this Summer. Once you get in the groove of eating well and exercising, you REALLY start to see the benefits! 


Please join me from June 1-14th as I share with you ALL that I know about nutrition, fitness, self-love, and more! You will watch ME get into shape, and I hope that you join me!  It's time to celebrate our bodies with confidence, joy, and love! I'm ready for this challenge! Are you?! The Summer Bikini Body Challenge...HERE WE COME! :) 


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Announcing the FullyRaw 14-Day Bikini Body Challenge!





I will be starting this free challenge on June 1st to help us ALL get in shape, eat well, and feel confident in our bodies! 

Participate with us and receive a FREE e-Book at the end of the Challenge! 

© Copyright 2014 FullyRaw.  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Branding and site design by Hello & Co.

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